Sunday, July 1, 2012

MBA受験 2)TOEFL スピーキング(Task4・6)生物ネタ


下記、TPO(TOEFL Practice Online)の生物ネタの繰り返しは必須。
V8 task4
V9 Task6
V13 task6
V15 task6
V19 task6
V22 task6

In the lecture, the professor described two kinds of camouflage and provided examples of this.(スクリーンを見て読み上げ)
First of all, the professor talked about (生物名 例:the leafy sea dragon)
In addition, the professor talked about (生物名 例:the cuttle fish)
These characteristics show that they have evolved and adapted to their habitat.
In short, these features allow them to flourish in the natural environment and protect them from predators.

1)Task4, 6はスピーキング時、スクリーン上に問題文が記載されている。最初の導入はそれを読み上げるだけでOK。メモ取りも2つの具体例の内容だけでOK。
3)Bodyの最初の1文は必ずこの言い回しを意識する。talked aboutの後に特徴を説明しようとするとミスを連発するだけでなく、1つ目の説明が長くなりすぎる。生物名だけで良い。

@回答例1(V8 task4)
In the lecture, the professor described the concept of revealing coloration and provided examples of this.
First of all, the professor talked about the Peanut Bug.
It has colorful backwings which are usually closed but suddenly open to surprise predators.
Therefore, the peanut bug has enough time to escape from predators.
In addition, the professor talked about the morpho butterfly.
If it flaps its wings, it reflects sunlight, thus making it difficult for predators to catch (spot/focus on) it.
These characteristics show that they have evolved and adapted to their habitat.
In short, these features allow them to flourish in the natural environment and protect them from predators.
If it swims through the rocks, it changes color to brown.
These characteristics show....

@回答例2(V15 task6)
In the lecture, the professor described how the position of birds` eyes is critical to their survival.
First of all, the professor talked about the hawk.
The hawk has forward facing eyes, which enable it to focus on objects more effectively.
Therefore, the hawk can catch prey easily.
In addition, the professor talked about the duck.
The duck has its eyes on either side of the skull, which allows it to find predators such as foxes quickly.
Therefore, the duck can fly away safely
・These characteristics show that they have evolved and adapted to their habitat.
・In short, these features allow them to flourish in the natural environment and reproduce more effectively.


MBA受験 2)TOEFL ライティング(Task1) に続く。

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