Task4, Task6は純ドメが最も減点され易いパート。
60回以上も受験していると、よく質問されるacademic subjectのネタが感覚的に分かってくる。そのよく出るネタは絶対に落とさないようにする。
V3 task6
V5 task4
V7 task6
V8 task6
V10 task4
V18 task6
In the lecture, the professor described (タイトル:target marketing) and provided the example of (例:a mobile phone company).
First of all, the professor talked about (聞き取った内容を極めて単純に。the case where the main customers are kids.)
In addition, the professor talked about (聞き取った内容を極めて単純に。the case where the main customers are businessmen.)
It is important for businesses to expand their market share through developing(broadening, diversifying) their customer base.
Also, it is necessary for companies to enhance consumers` knowledge of their products through advertisement campaign.
In short, companies try their best to manage marketing strategy effectively by targeting individual customers.
1)Task4, 6はスピーキング時、スクリーン上に問題文が記載されている。最初の導入はそれを読み上げるだけでOK。メモ取りも2つの具体例の内容だけでOK。
2)どんなビジネスネタであっても、暗記フレーズ3文目(In short, ~)は使用可能なので、このフレーズを自信を持って言い切る。そうすれば、多少ミスがあっても、聞き取れていなくても、fairは確実に取れる。
@回答例1(V7 task6)
In the lecture, the professor described the two major factors of product quality and provided examples of this.
First of all, the professor talked about reliability.
A product is reliable if it works the way we expected it to work.
In contrast, for example, if a car needs repairs too soon, customers will think it`s unreliable.
However, recently, reliability is no longer the deciding factor.
In addition, the professor talked about features.
In the same example, if a car has many features such as a stereo and a sunroof, customers will regard the car is of a high quality.
It is important for businesses to expand their market share through developing(broadening, diversifying) their customer base.
Furthermore, it is necessary for companies to enhance consumers` knowledge of their products through advertisement campaign.
In short, companies try their best to manage marketing strategy effectively by targeting individual customers.
@回答例2(V10 task4)
In the lecture, the professor described entertainment merchandising and provided examples of this.
First of all, the professor talked about his own experience.
When he was a child, he enjoyed watching action programs.
Also, he liked to play with action hero figures.
In addition, the professor talked about his daughter`s experience.
She liked to play with a cute baby doll named Rosa.
Also, she was excited to watch TV programs staring Rosa.
It is necessary for businesses to expand their market share through developing their customer base.
Also, it is important for companies to enhance consumer`s interests in their products through TV programs.
In short, companies try their best to manage marketing strategies effectively by targeting individual customers.
MBA受験 2)TOEFL スピーキング(Task4・6)生物ネタ に続く。
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